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Top Tips to Save on Gas as Prices Go Up

As gas prices fluctuate and are often reaching new record highs, many of us are looking for ways to save on fuel costs. Here are some effective strategies to minimize gas consumption and save money:

Top Sweepstakes Sites to Check Out Next

Looking to continue your hot streak with more wins on a large variety of prizes? We've cultivated a list of other sweepstakes website that offer chances to wins in a variety of different ways. With jackpots, bonus entries, and more - be sure to add these sites to your bookmarks!

Saving on Going Out to Eat

It's no secret that dining out can be an expensive affair, especially if you indulge in it often. But who doesn't love the idea of indulging in a mouth-watering meal, prepared by someone else, without the accompanying chore of washing dishes? The good news is, with a little research and...

A running List of Places to get a Birthday Freebie

Who doesn't love a good birthday treat? Many stores and restaurants offer free gifts, discounts, or special deals for those celebrating their special day. Here's a roundup of the best spots to score birthday freebies:

The Best 2024 Side Hustles

Whether you're looking to supplement your income, save for a special purchase, or build an emergency fund, making money on the side has become increasingly popular and accessible. Thanks to technology and the gig economy, opportunities are more abundant than ever. Here are some diverse ways you...

Tips for Running Your Own Sweepstakes

So, you’ve decided to run your own sweepstakes? Congratulations! Sweepstakes can be a fantastic way to promote your brand and engage with your users - we should know.. However, sweepstakes aren’t always as simple as giving away prizes. To ensure its a success and avoid any legal issues, you must...

What is Winning a Sweepstakes Like?

Have you ever dreamed of hearing your name announced as a huge winner of a sweepstakes prize? Perhaps it's a life-changing amount of money, an exotic vacation, or a brand new car. The thought sends euphoric emotions down your spine and a smile to your face. Winning big in a sweepstakes can be one...
